Witness My Fury. "i can't take any of your comments seriously Rebel after the moon landing noncence"
The Rebel. Then don't reply to them.
Witnes My Fury. "I'm pretty sure he is not facing death if the other guy was, or is that just wishful thinking on my part"
The Rebel. " I'm pretty sure" is not in my mind a reason to put a man to death.So why not research the case before you reply? It might even clarify your " Guilt by association" comment.
The FACT is innocent people are put to death, and I don't care if millions are happy with that justice. I am not. And I am not the only one. This is why Dr Phil opened his new season a week early to highlight this case. This is why people like Richard Branson and millions of ordinary people have partitioned to prevent this execution.
The Rebel.